Google Docs, Foems and I-Frame

Google Apps

Google Docs:

It is useful creating documents in your web browser. It is the alternative of other word like Microsoft word, but the google doc is with the  advantage of online web browser.

Here is the link of my google docs.

Google Sheets:

It is useful for performing calculations, creating formulas.Multiple user can work on  single spread-sheet. It is an alternative of Microsoft Excel. It is useful for educators, researcher and wide rang of tasks.

Here is the link of my google sheets.

Google Forms:

Google forms is an app of google. It is a web-based data collection and survey form developed by google. It is useful for feedback, assignments, quizzes, event registration, data collection and polling system.

Here is the link of my google forms.

I-Frame Tag in HTML

I-Frame tag stands for Inline Frame. It is useful for embedded external files. You can embedded another HTML document and external data within the current HTML document.  It allows you to display content from another source, such as a web-page, video, map, or interactive application, within a designated area of your web-page.


<iframe src=" " frameholder=" "></iframe>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Inline CSS </title>
< iframe src="link HTML or any external file " frameholder=" "></iframe>


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