
Showing posts from August, 2023

Header Tag in HTML

 Header Tag in HTML Header tag is used for introduction of your content and define top section of your web-page or for  navigational links, logos, icons and images. A header tag can nest in another header tag. Syntax: <header> data should be here. </header>. Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Website </title> </head> <body> <header> <h1> My Website </h2> <p>This is the header of  your web-page</p> </header> </body> </html> Output: Navigation Tag in HTML Navigation tag <nav> is used to define section of web-page than contain navigational links.Links of web-page are in the navigation tag but not all the links are inside  the navigation tag. Structuring the content of the web-page and determine that the enclosed links are part of the navigation tag.It is act like a container for putting links and logos. Syntax: <nav> <ul> <li> <a hr...

Introduction to CSS

 CSS Lecture no.1 Introduction to CSS CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It has no boiler plate. It is used for describing the layout of the web pages within Hyper Text Markup Language. It is specifically designed to control over visual styling and layout of HTML elements. It allows designers and web developers to define how element should be displayed including fonts, background color, border, text-color and much more. By using CSS, you can achieve consistent and attractive visual design  across your website and make user-friendly websites.There are three types of CSS, which are: Inline CSS Internal CSS External CSS Syntax: CSS style syntax rule based on selector, deceleration and property. For example: selector{ property: value; }   For instance: p{ color: red; font-size: 20px; } Here 'paragraph' is selector and within curly brackets there are two deceleration (color: red; font-size: 20px;) . Each deceleration includes a property which is  color and...

Google Docs, Foems and I-Frame

Google Apps Google Docs: It is useful creating documents in your web browser. It is the alternative of other word like Microsoft word, but the google doc is with the  advantage of online web browser. Here is the link of my google docs. Google Sheets: It is useful for performing calculations, creating formulas.Multiple user can work on  single spread-sheet. It is an alternative of Microsoft Excel. It is useful for educators, researcher and wide rang of tasks. Here is the link of my google sheets. Google Forms: Google forms is an app of google. It is a web-based data collection and survey form developed by google. It is useful for feedback, assignments, quizzes, event registration, data collection and polling system. Here is the link of my google forms.

Linking of Documents and Table tag in HTML

 How to link internal document html ? To link internal document we use anchor tab. Internal document means the file you created in Visual Studio Code and want to open with online server like we normally do.  Syntax <a href="/"></a> Code <a href="/Code15"> Click on this to access code15 </a> In this example the Code-15 is file which is saved in  my html document just by clicking this you can open file in web-page. How to open link on new tab? For opening it on new tab anchor tag provide target property or attribute.This is used for telling  the browser where should the linked document loaded.  Syntax <a href="" target="_blank"> Hello World </a> Extra Info. 1.Right click format document to set code view. 2.Alt+down-arrow/up-arrow to drag data up/down. 3.You can open multiple similar elements  of a tag. For this syntax is below: syntax p*4-Open 4 paragraph tags. td*6-Open 6 table data tags. br*2-Open 2 line break ...

Spacing and Attributes in HTML

  Lecture no.16 How to create space in html?  We cannot do spacing in HTML by space-bar,by default it counts only one. So we use    "&nbps;" entity in HTML for spacing. It stands for non breaking space  in HTML for spacing. How to set width of text box in form tag? You can use width attribute with type element or apply style tag with width attribute. Syntax Name: <input type="text" width="20px;"> with style tag. <style width="200px"> Name: <input type="text"> </style> How to set length of text ? For setting length we use minlenght and maxlenght attribute in form tag. We cannot use this limit for number attribute in form tag. Syntax For writing address we set the limit of the words that they cannot exceed more than 50 words. Address: <input type="text" minlenght="10" maxlenght="50">. Required and Readonly Attribute Required Attribute The required attribute is used to mark ...

Form Tag with Attributes

 It is a test day. Test no.3 in level 14. Lecture no. 14/15 This lecture is also based upon From tag .  When we make form we ask from user different things like their name, number and email, so these all have different data type. In this lecture we have studied different attributes used in form tag. Attributes: Text: It is used to specify the name of the from. Name: <input="text"> Number: It is used to specify number of the form. Age: <input type="number"> Email: It is used to specify the email format. Email: <input type="email"> Determine: It is used to specify the number of the form. Phone number: <input type="determine"> Radio: It is used for selecting one option from the given set of options.For selecting gender, cities and countries. Syntax Gender: <input type="radio" name="X"> In it name attribute is used to group different option together. Code Gender: Male <input type="radio" ...

Form Tag in HTML

 Lecture no. 13 For creating form in HTML.The form tag is used.It has open and closing tag.The form tag contain many  elements.There are two  attributes in form tag.One is action attribute that is points to the back-end of the web page which handles the form submission. Syntax <form action=""> </form> Code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body> <p> <form action="">  Name: <input type="text"> Age: <input type="text"> Address: <input type="text"> </form> </p> </body> </html> Output Name:   Age:   Address:  This is the output of  upper code I have not use line break tag  that's why they are printing on the same line. After applying <br> tag the output is, Name:  Age:  Address: 

Colum and Row Spanning

 Lecture no.12 Column and Row Spanning in table tag HTML tables can have cells that span over multiple rows and columns.The row span is used for merging row and column span is used for merging column. Syntax For Column Span <td colspan="6"> Hello Coding <td>. For Row Span <td rowspan="4"> Hello World <td>. Code (Column-span) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <titile> Row and Column Spanning </title> <style> td{ border: 2px solid black;  } table{ border-collapse: collapse; } </style> </head> <body> <p> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Column 1</td>  <td> Column 2</td> <td> Column 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Column 4</td> <td> Column 5</td> <td colspan="2"> Column 6</td> </tr> </table> </p> </body> </html> Output  Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Colu...

Some Advance Tags in HTML

Lecture no.  11 Marquee Tag in HTML  You can use marquee tag in html to make image or text scroll from left, right, top and bottom in html. Marquee tag have attributes behavior is used to set the behavior of scrolling , description, scroll amount is used to specify speed of scrolling image/text and bgcolor attribute to change background color. Height attribute is used to specify height in marquee tag. We can use style tag as an attribute in marquee tag to change color of text.The marquee tag is set as left to right from default, but we can change the movement in description attribute. Let's learn how to used them. Syntax For text (left/right)  in description : <marquee behavior="" description="left/right"> Hello Coding </marquee> For image  (left/right)  in description : <marquee behavior="" description="left/right"> link of image   </marquee> For text (top/bottom)  in description : For top and bottom we use up and...

Revision and Practice of Previous Lectures

 Lecture 10 It is a test  day based on 50 marks, having 7 questions. 1-Abbr tag is used for? (5) 2-Why we write .html in the end of the file name ? (5) 3-What is blogger? Why it is used for? (5) 4-Write any 3 attribute of video tag (5) 5-Find error (10): 6-Blogger Website (10) 7-Create a web page in html.