
Showing posts from January, 2024

HTML Character Entity References

 HTML Character Entity References  What are Character Entity References? Character Entity References are way to represents characters that have special meaning in HTML documents.These references are used to include character that have reserved or  special significance in the markup language.We can say those words are reserved words.  For instance, less than sign having special meaning in HTML documents.  For "<" we use &lt;  For ">" we use &gt;  ® For "&" we use &amp; For "copyright logo ©" we use &copy; For "double quotation mark" we use &quot; For "trade mark logo  ™ "   we use &trade; For "registered mark logo  ® " we use &reg; For "pound  symbol" we use &pound; For "euro symbol" we use &euro; For "yen symbol" we use &yen; For  "apostrophe  symbol"  we use  &apos; Selection Tag Selection tag is used in html fo...