
Showing posts from July, 2023

Uploading image on blogger through HTML

Lecture no.9 How to upload IMAGE on blogger through HTML?             To upload image on blogger through html , we image  tag. In html we first apply image tag and then in src we paste the address of image, which we get from google.In html this will show image and then copy the whole code and click on blogger. On blogger left top you will see a pen click on it and select HTML view then paste code.The image is also shoe here. Example: <img src="address of image"  alt="error" width="150">. Output: The pic is uploaded.  __________________________________________________________ How to see someone's Website in html ? To upload website link we use anchor tag with href attribute.  Syntax: <a href="link of website "> Alisha website</a> Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>  <title> Opening Website    </title> </head> <body> <p> <a href="https://webwizardsinst...

Audio tag with attribues in HTML

 Lecture no.8 In this lecture we will study how to upload audio in html. The procedure is same as video.  In this tag the attributes are also  used. How to use audio tag in html ? We use audio tag to upload music or other audio streams. <audio src=""></audio>. In audio tag the alt attribute is used. Code: <audio  src="link of a audio "  >   </audio>. In this src specifies thr  URL  of the audio. Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>  <title>  Uploading audio  </title> </head> <body> <p> <audio src="audio1.opus "  controls  ></audio> </p> </body> </html> In this example controls is used to display audio such play/pause button etc. Output: Audio will be uploaded. ____________________________________________________ Code with Loop Attribute: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>  <title>  Uploading ...

Video in HTML

 Lecture no.7 In this lecture we learn.To upload a video or a movie clip.   How to upload video in html ? As usual tag is used, So we used video tag. In this tag multiple attributes are used.  Controls, Src,   Loop, Width, Height, Mute, Auto play are attributes. Lets learn how to use them. Src stand for Source. it is not compulsory  to use alt attribute in  video tag.  Code: <video src="link of a video"  >   </video>. In this src specifies thr URL of the video. Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>  <title>  Uploading video  </title> </head> <body> <p> <video src="Cooking.mp4 "  controls  ></video> </p> </body> </html> In this example controls is used to display video such play/pause button etc. Output: Video will displayed  ____________________________________________________ Code with Loop Attribute: <!DOCTYPE html...

Images in HTML

Lecture 6 In this lecture we study about how to insert image in html, line separator and heading tags. How to insert image in html? For inserting image in html. The image tag is used with src (source) and alt (attribute).The image tag has no closing tag.The picture you are uploading in your website is should be downloaded in the folder where your are saving your html code. In src we placed image name and in alt we write an error message e.g. if image is not open due to internet load or incorrect image spelling name, the message in alt will be uploaded. Syntax <img src=" " alt=" ">. Code <!DOCTYP html> <html> <head>  <title> Uploading image </title> </head> <body> <p> <img src="Cake1.jpg " alt=" error "> </p> </body> </html> Output In this output you can see that the size of image is large. How to use height and width attributes in html? In image the we can two more k...

Practice of HTML

Lecture 5 Level 5 is a test day. It is a written test based on 7 questions.The picture of test is uploaded below.

Tags in HTML

Lecture 4 How to create Boilerplate Automatically in html? To create boilerplate automatically  in html. "Shift + 1" keyword is used. How to change color in html? <font></font> tags are used to change color in html. In font tag color attribute are used. How to use Font tag with color attribute? <font color="purple"> Hello World </font>. Hello World Difference between tags and attribute? Tags are used to hold the html element and attributes add additional information in tags.We can apply multiple attribute in tags. How to change size in html? To change size in html <font></font> tag with size attribute. How to use Font tag with size attribute? <font size="100">Pakistan</font>. Pakistan. How to change writing style  in html? The style of the writing is changed by using font tag with face attribute. How to use? To use font tag with face attribute we can change writing style. <font face="  Georgia ...

Basics of HTML

 Lecture 3 In this lecture I study about tags which are used in html. Bold:   To do text bold in html. we use tags <b> </b>. For example <b> Hello World </b>. Hello World Italic: To do text  italic in html.we use tags <i> </i>. For example <i> Hello World < /i>. Hello World     Underline: To place line under any text. we use tags <u> </u>. For example <u> Hello World </u>   Hello World Strike: To use Strike tag in html for unimportant and inaccurate text. For example <strike> 100 </strike>. 100   How to create random paragraph in html? We use "lorem" keyword to create random paragraph in html.           How to use ? <p> lorem <p>. To keep paragraph  on  one page: To keep paragraph on one page in html we use "Alt+Z" keyword.  Superscript and Subscript in html We use superscript a...

What is HTML and BoilerPlate

Lecture 2 In this lecture I have learned about how to change theme in blogger's website, how to upload pictures and videos. HTML HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is based non tags, without tags we cannot used html.We create file in Visual Stdio Code by using .html extension. First code is based upon introduction.To create website html is must.HTML is a body of a website.Inside of HTML , CSS and JAVA-SCRIPT are kept. Hoe does we kept it, that will discuss further. What is Boilerplate Code? Boilerplate code is term that's is commonly used in the programming refers to code sections repeated throughout a program or software. Boilerplate:  <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>     </title> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Intro to Web Development

Lecture 1  What is website?   A website is collection of web pages and related contents that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Intro to Web Development In this course we will study about how to make websites on Blogger, HTML, CSS and    JAVA-SCRIPT .First we studied about how to make website in blogger. How to website on blogger? To make website on blogger,I explain you this in steps: 1. Open new tab on google. 2. Click on 9 dots.which are on the right top of google page. 3. Click on these dots, Scroll down and click on Blogger. 4. By clicking on blogger.Sign in with your google account. 5. After you signed in.Write your Blog name. 6. Then,create your blog address. 7. Your blog name and address name should be same. 8. By doing this you have create your website on blogger. 9. On the left corer you will see the  "new post",  by clicking on this you will create post's on your website. Point to Remember:  Your...